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EVD and Data Types

EVD’ stands for ‘EVL Data Definition’ and it is the way how to specify structure of data sets in EVL. It can be used either inline, as a component option, or in the *.evd file.

EVL uses mostly standard C++ data types, so most of them are well known.

EVD Structure

Firstly an example of evd file, which defines data types for some csv file:

id          int            sep=";"
name        string         sep=";"  null=""
birth_date  date           sep=";"  null="1970-01-01"
amount      decimal(12,3)  sep=";"    thousands_sep=","
created_at  datetime       sep="\n" null="0000-00-00 00:00:00"

In general each nonempty line of EVD file looks like this:

<indent> Field_Name <blank> Data_Type <blank> EVD_Options



might be empty, two spaces, 4 spaces, 6 spaces, etc., to define a substructure of compound data types, see Compound Types for details,




is one of:


is <blank> separated list of options, see EVD Options


is one or more spaces and/or tabs.


Standard C-style comments can be used in evd file, for example:

street_id    int
street_name  string
street_code  string  null=""  // but NOT NULL in DB
/* COMBAK: street_code will be replaced by street_num later this year
street_num   long

Inline EVD

For the most of the EVL Components an inline EVD can be specified as an option. In such case comments are not allowed and the format is simply the same as for EVD in a file, just instead of newlines, commas are used to separate each field definition.

The same structure, as in above EVD Example, but as a component option (a comma separated list of fields with data types and options):

--data-definition='id int sep=";",
    name string sep=";" null="",
    birth_date date sep=";" null="1970-01-01",
    amount decimal(12,3) sep=";" thousands_sep=",",
    created_at datetime sep="\n" null="0000-00-00 00:00:00"'

Variables in EVD

There could be shell variables to be resolved in the evd file. For example:

specific_field1  string  null=""
specific_field2  date    null=""

will resolve the $COMMON_EVD environment variable and use such EVD. So having defined

export COMMON_EVD="$(cat common.evd)"

where common.evd might look like this:

id          int
valid_from  datetime
valid_to    datetime

will resolve finally used EVD would be:

id          int
valid_from  datetime
valid_to    datetime
specific_field1  string  null=""
specific_field2  date    null=""

In some situations, like having a dollar character as part of field name, this functionality may be switched off by setting


in your job or in the shell.