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Copyright © 2017–2020 EVL Tool, s.r.o.

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(since EVL 2.0)

Prepare lookup from sorted input, which can be used after Wait command till ‘Lookup remove’. Input must be sorted by the <key>.

Lookup [remove]

is to be used in EVS job structure definition file. <f_in> and <f_out> are either input and output file or flow name.

evl lookup [remove]

is intended for standalone usage, i.e. to be invoked from command line.

EVD is EVL data definition file, for details see evl-evd(5).


  <f_in> <lookup_name> (<evd>|-d <inline_evd>) -k <key> [-x|--text-input]

Lookup remove

evl lookup
  <lookup_name> (<evd>|-d <inline_evd>) -k <key> [-x|--text-input]

evl lookup remove

evl lookup
  ( --help | --usage | --version )


-d, --data-definition=<inline_evd>

either this option or the file <evd> must be presented. Example: -d ’id int, user_id string(6) enc=iso-8859-1’

-k, --key=<key>

key for looking up records

-x, --text-input

suppose the input as text, not binary

Standard options:


print this help and exit


print short usage information and exit

-v, --verbose

print to stderr info/debug messages of the component


print version and exit


  1. To prepare lookup at the beginning of the job:
    Read   dimension.csv DIM  evd/dim.evd  --text-input
    Sort   DIM       DIM_SRT  evd/dim.evd  --key="id"
    Lookup DIM_SRT   dim_lkp  evd/dim.evd