EVL – ETL Tool

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Copyright © 2017–2021 EVL Tool, s.r.o.

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(since EVL 2.0)

When argument contains ‘hdfs://’, then it is supposed to be on HDFS file system and calls the function ‘evl_hdfs_ls’, which is by default ‘hadoop fs -ls’.

When argument contains ‘s3://’, then it is supposed to be on S3 file system and calls the function ‘evl_s3_ls’, which is by default ‘aws s3 ls’.

Otherwise act as usual ‘ls’ command.


is to be used in EVS job structure definition file or in EWS workflow structure definition.

evl ls

is intended for standalone usage, i.e. to be invoked from command line.


  [-dhlqrRStu] (hdfs://<path> | <local_path> )...

  [-hR] s3://<bucket>/<path>

evl ls
  [-dhlqrRStu] (hdfs://<path> | <local_path> )...

evl ls
  [-hR] s3://<bucket>/<path>

evl ls
  ( --help | --usage | --version )


-d, --directory

list directories themselves, not their contents

-h, --human-readable

print human readable sizes (e.g. 1K, 234M or 2G)


use a long listing format, for HDFS means ‘hdfs dfs -ls

-q, --hide-control-chars

print ? instead of nongraphic characters

-r, --reverse

reverse order while sorting

-R, --recursive

list subdirectories recursively


sort by file size, largest first


sort by modification time, newest first


with -lt: sort by, and show, access time; with -l: show access time and sort by name; otherwise: sort by access time, newest first


  1. These simple examples write result on stdout:
    Ls hdfs:///some/path/????-??-??.csv
    Ls s3:///somebucketname/path/
    Ls /some/local/machine/path/*
  2. To be used to initiate a flow in EVL job:
    Run   ""    INPUT  "Ls $INPUT_FILES"
    Map   INPUT ...

And then, for PROD environment, input files would be defined for example:
