EVL Anonymization

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Before we will go into detail, let’s provide an overview of anonymization process.

To initiate, setup and build a project (i.e. group of data you would like to anonymize) follow these steps. See evl anon command for details about ‘evl anon’ commands.

  1. Create new project
    evl anon project new <project_dir>

    See Project for details about projects.

  2. Add a source, i.e. folder with files to be anonymized or database with tables to be anonymized:
    evl anon source new <source_name> \
      --guess-from-csv <path_to_folder_with_such_CSVs>

    See Source Settings for details about settings for a source.

  3. Edit such a config (csv) file according to your preferences. (Excel file checks the validity immediately and provides drop down options.)
  4. Check the config file for mistakes
    evl anon check <config_file>
  5. Generate anonymization jobs and workflow
    evl anon build <config_file>

    See Build and Run for details about jobs and workflow generation and see Config File for details about a config file.

Then to anonymize (regularly), run anonymization jobs:

evl run/anon/<table_1>.evl
evl run/anon/<file_1>.evl

Each job represents one file or table to be anonymized. See Build and Run for details.

Note: Be careful running anonymization jobs several times, as data are by default overwritten in the target, unless export EVL_ANON_APPEND=1 is specified in settings configs/anon/*.sh file or project.sh.

See Environment variables for details about all possible configuration EVL_ANON_* variables.

Having many files or tables to anonymize in one batch, you don’t need to run anonymization jobs one after another, but you can run all jobs by running generated workflow:

evl run workflow/anon/<source_name>.ewf

See Salt for dealing with a salt.