Consider an anonymization project to be a folder, where we work on anonymization of some group of data. For example a group of data from business point of view. In most cases there would be only one or a couple of projects.
You can create a new project by hand or by a command:
evl anon project new my_project
It will create new directory my_project in current folder with default settings and subfolder structure.
Or you can a new project with sample data and configuration:
evl anon project sample $HOME/my_sample_project
It will create new directory my_sample_project in your home folder with a sample project.
The anonymization project directory structure is:
- build/
files generated by ‘evl anon build’ command
- configs/
configuration csv files and settings sh files
- lib/
folder for custom anonymization functions
- run/
anonymization jobs generated by ‘evl anon build’ command
- worflow/
workflows generated by ‘evl anon build’ command
All files in build, run and workflow directories are completely generated based on configuration file(s) configs/<source_name>.csv.