EVL – ETL Tool

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(since EVL 1.2)

Assign the content of input flow or file <f_in> into shell variable <varname>, which is then exported into environment. Don’t forget to apply ‘--text-output’ on preceding component to get text content in the <variable>.

This component doesn’t work for partitioned flow.


is to be used in EVS job structure definition file. <f_in> is either input file or flow name.

There is no standalone version of this component as you can use standard Bash behaviour for this purpose. For example:

VARNAME=$(evl cat filename some.evd --text-output)

EVS is EVL job structure definition file, for details see evl-evs(5).


  <f_in> <varname>

evl assign
  ( --help | --usage | --version )


Standard options:


print this help and exit


print short usage information and exit


print version and exit


  1. EVL job (an ‘evs’ file) which reads content of a binary file ‘hwm.bin’ into variable ‘HWM’:
    Read    hwm.bin   FLOW_HWM  evd/some.evd  --text-output
    Assign  FLOW_HWM  HWM

    Such a value can be then used (after Wait component!) within mapping by:

    static int hwm = atoi(std::getenv("HWM"));
    *out->incremental_id = ++hwm;
  2. To get a value from text file:
    Assign  hwm.txt  HWM
  3. To assign flow content into a ‘NATCO’ variable:
    Map     FLOW_01  FLOW_02 in.evd out.evd map.evm  --text-output
    Assign  FLOW_02  NATCO