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Copyright © 2017–2020 EVL Tool, s.r.o.

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Write to stdout or <f_out> JSON formatted text where all fields exist (unless ‘-n’ option) and are in order as defined in <evd>.


is to be used in EVS job structure definition file. <f_out> is either output file or flow name.

evl writejson

is intended for standalone usage, i.e. to be invoked from command line and and write to standard output.

EVD and EVS are EVL definition files, for details see evl-evd(5) and evl-evs(5).


  <f_in> <f_out> (<evd>|-d <inline_evd>)
  [-n|--omit-null-fields] [-x|--text-input]

evl writejson
  (<evd>|-d <inline_evd>)
  [-n|--omit-null-fields] [-x|--text-input]

evl writejson
  ( --help | --usage | --version )


-d, --data-definition=<inline_evd>

either this option or the file <evd> must be presented. Example: -d ’user_sum long’

-n, --omit-null-fields

by this option, null fields are not presented in the output

-x, --text-input

suppose the input as text, not binary

Standard options:


print this help and exit


print short usage information and exit

-v, --verbose

print to stderr info/debug messages of the component


print version and exit