EVL – ETL Tool

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Table of Contents


(since EVL 2.6)

Remove <directory> on local filesystem or on HDFS in case <directory> starts with ‘hdfs://’ or on remote machine by ‘ssh’ when starts with ‘sftp://’. It fails if the directories are empty.

Each <directory> is of the form

[<scheme>://][[<user>@@]<host>[:<port>]]<path> ...

For scheme ‘hdfs://’ it calls function ‘evl_hdfs_rmdir’, which is by default ‘hdfs dfs -rmdir’.

For scheme ‘sftp://’ it calls function ‘evl_sftp_rmdir’.


  [-p|--parents] <directory>...

evl rmdir
  [-p|--parents] <directory>...

evl rmdir
  ( --help | --usage | --version )


-p, --parents

remove <directory> and its ancestors, e.g. ’Rmdir -p a/b/c’ is similar to ’Rmdir a/b/c a/b a’

Standard options:


print this help and exit


print short usage information and exit


print version and exit


  1. Simple usage examples:
    Rmdir hdfs:///some/path/
    Rmdir /some/local/machine/path/
  2. Depends on environment, e.g. ‘PROD’/‘TEST’/‘DEV’, might be useful to be used this way:
    # on DEV:
    # on PROD:

    and then use in ‘evs’ file:

    Rmdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"

    and do not care if you operate locally or on HDFS.